

Android Developer

  • Job description:
    • Mobile app development
    • Active participation in the development
      process, from early design to product launch
    • Active communication with colleagues,
      discussing product functionality and design
    • App optimization
    • Bottleneck identification and elimination
    • Software bug analysis
  • Required skills:
    • Profound knowledge of Java
    • 2+ years of experience in commercial
      Android application development
    • Experience with parallel programming and multithreading
    • Experience in networked application development
    • Experience and work with git, jira, wiki
    • Experience of teamwork
    • Knowledge of agile development methodology
    • Knowledge of second development platform (iOS/WP)
      Or experience with cross-platform development
      would be an advantage
    • Intermediate English language
  • We offer:
    • Full-time work, 5 days a week in the office (9:30 - 18:30)
    • Competitive salary
    • Probationary period of 3 months
    • Salary discussed individually

This vacancy is not
available at the moment


  • Job description:
    • Software development
    • Software architecture design
    • Working with the database (Oracle)
  • Required skills:
    • PHP (advanced level)
    • JavaScript, jQuery
      (above intermediate level required)
    • Basic HTML5/CSS knowledge
    • Experience with DBMS (preferably Oracle)
    • More than 1 year of experience with Yiii framework
    • Experience with existing projects is necessary
    • Knowledge of OOP, knowledge of MV architecture
    • Correct use of version control systems
    • Experience with Apache/Linux is an advantage
  • We offer:
    • Full-time work, 5 days a week in the office (9:30 - 18:30)
    • Competitive salary
    • Probationary period of 2 months
    • Salary discussed individually

This vacancy is not
available at the moment