

K net is a Kuwaiti national company providing electronic banking services to all the banks in Kuwait. It was founded in 1992. The K-Net payment gateway is Kuwait's leading online transaction service.


ZmBIZI is a provider of technology and solutions for mobile smartphones. It is an app system with hardware and software technology. The system is created for the user's extended possibilities.

Credorax Bank Limited

Credorax Bank Limited was founded in Malta in 2007. It is based in Herzliya (Israel) at the moment. It is a commercial bank with a license. The bank provides cross-border online payment processing and acquiring services worldwide. Credorax Bank Limited developed as an online acquiring bank and acted as an intermediary between payment service providers and electronic commerce sellers since 2007.

It is a leading financial group and a leading retail bank in Kazakhstan with the largest client base and distribution network. The Bank provides services to its clients: banking services, brokerage services, insurance services, leasing services and asset management. The National Bank of Kazakhstan operates in Russia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The bank's securities are traded on the stock market in Kazakhstan (KASE, AIX) and in the UK (LSE).

Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Kapitalbank" is one of the first private commercial banks in Uzbekistan. The Bank was founded in 2011. The bank merged with Aviabank and was re-registered as a joint-stock commercial bank in 2004. Now the bank has 16 offices across the country. It serves legal and individual clients

The bank is developing quickly, showing high growth in the sphere of servicing corporate clients as well as in the retail segment. The list of innovations allowed the bank to take the leading position in the country thanks to new technologies. They make it possible to serve a larger number of clients with high quality, to achieve international reputation and to become one of the most reliable and financially stable banks in the country.

Kaspi Bank was founded in 1991 and it's the systemically retail bank in Kazakhstan. Kaspi Bank has been the leader in the retail credit portfolio since 2014. Kaspi Bank provides banking services, retail financial services, electronic payments and organizes electronic trading platforms.

АО «First Heartland Jýsan Bank»

Jýsan Bank ( ex Tsesnabank) is a retail bank that has worked on the financial market in Kazakhstan since 1992. Jýsan Bank has 116 offices in 22 regions of Kazakhstan today. The bank was ranked number one in the ROA (return on assets) according to the prestigious British magazine The Banker in July 2020. According to the results of 2019 "Jýsan Bank" became the top bank in terms of ROA not among the Asian and Oceania banks, but leading the worldwide list as well.

Kcell is one of three GSM mobile network operators in Kazakhstan. The Company was founded in 1998 and began providing mobile services under the Kcell brand in February 1999. The Activ brand was launched in September of the same year. 14.3 million people used this operator by the end of 2013. The company provides mobile services in all cities and towns with a population of 1,000 or more.

Bank of Georgia is the leader in Georgia with a market share of 33.4% (based on total assets), 32.0% (based on total loans) and 33.0% (based on customer deposits). The Bank provides retail services, banking services, corporate banking services and investment management services. Bank of Georgia serviced about 2.0 million client accounts as of December 31, 2015. The bank includes 266 branches, 746 ATMs, 2,589 Express pay (self-service) terminals, a full-service distance banking platform and modern call center.

Bai-Tushum has been working in the financial market since 2000. The bank started its work in 1997 as an international project under the monetization program "Food for Progress" realized by American NGO ACDI/VOCA and Swiss organization "Caritas". Bai-Tushum was a licensed financial fund and microfinance company. The company gave the right to attract deposits. Now Bai-Tushum is a bank with a banking license. The bank became one of the largest financial organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic with total assets of 7.1 billion soms and a client base of over 91 thousand clients during this time.

Khan Bank has 500 branches across Mongolia with 4,000 staff members and it's the largest bank in Mongolia. The bank provides banking services to about 80% of Mongolian households. The Bank finances corporate businesses, small and medium-sized businesses, consumers and individuals. The bank's offices are online and give clients direct access to all banking services from any location in Mongolia.

MOSST Payments company was founded on August 8, 2012. Its mission is to create and develop modern payment services in Ukraine. MOSST Payments is trying to make its services comfortable and fast.

The project was launched with the national processing center of Belarus. The processing center currently serves 18 banks. Its share of the acquiring market in Belarus is 80%. We initiated the launch of this project. It distributes several thousand Chip&Pin devices in the territory of the country.

BSB Bank

JSC "BSB Bank" was founded on October 7, 2002. The authorized capital of the Bank is 100 % foreign investments. The shareholders of BSB Bank are three companies: Swiss Investment Century; Alpin Professional Investment; BSB Bank. The bank serves private and corporate clients. Bank has a system of remote client service. The staff always monitors the quality of services. This helps to fully respond to all client needs.

RSB is the leader in the acquiring market and takes 1st place by sales volume and 3rd place by sales turnover. The Bank is one of the top 10 Russian deposit market players. RSB was the first to launch an mPOS project based on the technology of a Russian developer using magstripe cards. The bank replaced outdated technology with the Chip&Pin card acceptance system by EMI Global Corp in 2014. The bank plans to distribute several thousand devices per year.

MTS is the leading telecommunications group in Russia and in the CIS. The consolidated subscriber base of the company is 100 million subscribers, without MTS Belarus subscriber base. MTS and its other companies service clients on the GSM standard in all regions of Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

Avangard Bank was founded in 1994. The client base has 100 thousand corporate clients and 1 million private clients at the moment. The number of clients and development of the bank shows that it can be trusted. Avangard develops retail and corporate banking businesses.

Bank Saint-Petersburg was founded in 1990. The Bank works in St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region, Moscow and Kaliningrad. Bank Saint Petersburg provides lending, payment and cash management services. It services businesses and individuals in the foreign exchange market, interbank credit and securities market. The Bank has its own processing center and provides support and service to credit card holders.

SKB-Bank was founded in 1990 on the basis of the Sverdlovsk regional office of Agroprombank. It has kept its status as a reliable, stable and profitable bank. Now the bank is a partner for businesses and private clients. Its head office is located in Yekaterinburg.

Closed Joint-Stock Company "Surgutneftegazbank" is one of the major regional banks in Russia.

The history of the bank began on May 15, 1965, when the Tyumen office of the USSR Stroybank opened a office in Surgut. The Surgut office became part of the USSR Bank-Promstroybank in 1988. Surgut office became Surgutneftegazbank on October 25, 1990. The closed joint-stock company " Surgutneftegazbank " was formed as a result of another stage of transformation on August 2, 1999. The Bank has been presenting its financial reports according to Russian and international standards for the last 5 years.

SDM-Bank was founded in September 1991. The balance of SDM Bank is 38 billion rubles according to IFRS ($1.2 billion) for 2013. The head office of the bank is in Moscow. The bank has 13 offices and 25 sub-offices, 9 regional offices in Perm, Voronezh, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Tver, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk and Rostov-on-Don, and a representative office in London. The bank services 14,000 business clients and 85,000 private clients.

CJSC " Reserve Finance and Investments Bank" was founded in 2000. The bank provides all banking services and adds new products and solutions. It attracts new clients and increases its financial results. The bank wants to make banking service a part of everyday life, the basis of personal and family financial stability and a powerful career instrument.