
Avangard Bank lunches mobile acquiring service

Avangard Bank launched the mobile acquiring service based on mobile commerce platform M4bank.mPOS. Avangard Bank introduces this solution to offer its corporate customers mobile acquiring services.

By now on the Russian and CIS markets, M4bank.mPOS system is the most widespread mPOS platform among banks to implement their own mobile acquiring in-house projects.

The main advantage of mobile acquiring of Avangard Bank in comparison with similar services is the usage of classical technology of card reading and operation confirmation using a PIN code. This avoids the problems which cardholders can meet while paying, if their bank uses methods of confirmation that are typical for online transactions, for example, using SMS-codes. While using the mobile acquiring service of Avangard Bank, the payment is confirmed by the PIN code, the request, encrypted by the application, is sent to the processing center where it is processed in the ordinary way. The check is sent to the cardholder’s email address.

About Avangard Bank

Avangard Bank was founded in 1994. By now, its customer base has over 100 thousand corporate clients and over 1 million private clients. Successful work of Avangard Bank demonstrates convincingly the correctness of its development strategy as a universal credit institution that actively develops both retail and corporate banking business lines.

About CCT

Center of Corporate Technologies (CCT) is one of the leading software developers of innovative IT-solutions for banking and financial industries in Russia. Today CCT’s project portfolio includes more than 20 projects in 8 countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Georgia. The company’s clients are the leading Russian and foreign banks and companies. Starting from July 2014, CCT is the resident of Technopark Strogino, created with assistance of the Government of Moscow and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.