
CCT has consolidated its position in the CNewsMobile 2015 annual report

As in the same report of 2014, CCT has been listed in TOP-20 largest developers of mobile apps for business and government departments. The company has taken the 14th position with the best results in the categories of growth for 2013/2014 (180%) and share from developing mobile app (90%), while the results in the category of growth have increased for 30%.

The Russian market of mobile technologies is still one of the most dynamic segments of IT market: the results of "CNewsMobile: largest developers of mobile apps for business and government departments 2015" have shown: the dynamic of TOP 20 total revenue has reached 98%. According to experts of Redmadrobot, the Russian market of mobile technologies had grown in 2-2,5 (2013-2014) times and it’s volume is billions of rubles. It is also worth noting a significant increase in the number of participating companies, their number, to compare with 2013, has grown for nearly more than a third. As a result, experts do recognize 2014 as one of the most successful year for the market of mobile technologies.

About the review:

The annual report CNewsMobile is based on the data, provided by the companies- members of the Market, this report allows to understand its dynamics and the results for 2014.

CNews is the largest daily online source launched in 2000. CNews focuses on the latest IT news, analytical articles, market reviews, internet surveys. Up to 100 pieces of news are posted on the site daily, providing authoritative insight and opinion on the Russian and Foreign markets of computer equipment, software, automation and informatization, e-commerce and telecommunications, entertainment industry.
