
EMI Global Corp is the general partner of PLUS-Forum

On September 15, the event dedicated to the development of the payment industry - PLUS-Forum "Transformation of the payment business 2020" - was organized at "Holiday Inn Moscow Sokolniki” hotel. The general partner of the event was EMI Global Corp. The program of PLUS-Forum included the analysis of the present situation and prospects of development of the banking, payment and retail industries in Russia and in the world.

Alexander Sokolov, Development Director of EMI Global Corp, was one of the speakers at PLUS-Forum and made a presentation “SoftPOS is not a hype, not a trend, but the new reality".

During his speech, Alexander Sokolov discussed the main issues:

  • main problems of the acquiring market and the ways to solve them with the help of SoftPOS technology,
  • the ease of integration and exploitation of SoftPOS solution,
  • the relevance of SoftPOS for self-employed people,
  • the possibilities of delivery to potential clients and interaction with partners,
  • key advantages of M4Bank.

EMI Global Corp development director shared the successful experience of SoftPOS technology integration in Russia and abroad. We would like to remind you, that recently Russian Standard Bank and and EMI Global Corp have integrated a new method of payment acceptance using SoftPOS technology. Also we should note the launch of the SoftPos project project together with Alfa-Bank (Kazakhstan).