
EMI Global Corp launches the first project based on M4Bank.SoftPOS solution in Belarus

EMI Global Corp together with the largest supplier of terminal equipment in Belarus, Bank Processing Center, launched the NFC-POS application.

The BPC NFC-POS app allows contactless payments using a smartphone or other mobile device with an Android 8.1 or higher operating system, an NFC module and internet access. The app has been developed on the basis of the M4Bank.SoftPOS solution.

The application supports payment types: Visa, Mastercard, MIR and BELCART. The largest banks of Belarus, such as Belarusbank, Belagroprombank, Paritetbank and BSB Bank, have already started to integrate the BPC NFC-POS app.


Banks Processing Center

Bank Processing Center is the largest supplier of terminal equipment for organizations and individual businessmen. It also provides technical and software support to tens thousands of stores and service organizations in Belarus. The solutions used by the Banks Processing Center are certified by BELCART, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, UnionPay, and MIR payment systems.


EMI Global Corp

EMI Global Corp is one of the leading software developers of innovative IT solutions for the banking and financial industries. EMI Global Corp’s portfolio includes more than 20 projects in more than 13 countries.