
CCT reported on high speed of PAYMOB-F implementation

In connection with the requirements of the Tax Service on transition from July 1 to online cash registers, Center of Corporate Technologies (the developer and manufacturer of the cash register-terminal PAYMOB-F) faced a large number of applications for the purchase and rental of cash register equipment (CRE). The clients set tasks for the early acquisition of equipment and bank and tax service registration.

Cash register reform, which started in Russia on July 1, 2017, promotes the transition of Russian business to online cash registers. July 1, 2019, the its third wave is completed. From now on, organizations and individual entrepreneurs on UIIT or patent, if they perform work or provide services, individual entrepreneurs without hired workers on UIIT or patent in the field of trade and public catering, individual entrepreneurs without hired workers who are engaged in vending will be required to implement new way of proceeding. Some slack in the form of deferment until July 2021 was received by individual entrepreneurs who provide services without hired workers in the service sector or who sell goods of their own production.

According to the press service of the Federal Tax Service, only 25% from 400 thousand businessmen coped with the task of implementation of online cash registers before July 1, 2019. It should be reminded that for failure to meet the requirements of the cash register reform, a penalty from 10 to 30 thousand rubles is provided, and in case of repeated violation - the suspension of entrepreneurial activity for a period of up to 3 months.

Given the aforementioned circumstances, the speed of processing of applications and providing the equipment to the client plays a significant role.

"Our company was able to meet the increased demand, as well as to achieve an unprecedented speed of implementation, the process from receiving the application and payment to the moment the client has the equipment takes from 1 to 2 days, acquiring at these cash registers starts working at 3d-4th business day" - said Vladimir Goffe, head of sales department of PAYMOB-F.