
CCT takes active part in SK Startup Media Party

SK Startup Media Party was held December 24 at “Royal Arbat” club. The event gathered innovative companies of Skolkovo which summed up the outgoing year. About 20 of the most promising participants of Skolkovo shared their achievements, and also discussed 2019 plans.

Center of Corporate Technologies LLC was among the participants of SK Startup Media Party. Egor Petukhovsky, as a speaker at this event, spoke about the achievements of CCT in 2018.

The main points of the statement:

  • All necessary certificates were obtained and mass production of PAYMOB-F mobile cash register began;
  • More than 1,000 PAYMOB-F mobile cash registers were sold;
  • 8,000 cash registers were integrated with Alipay services;
  • Enter the Gulf markets.
Center of Corporate Technologies LLC once again confirmed its reputation as one of the leading Russian developers of innovative IT solutions for the banking and financial sector.