
JPAY mobile app from Jýsan Bank based on M4Bank.SoftPOS

Jýsan Bank, one of the largest banks in Kazakhstan, announced the successful integration of its JPAY app based on M4Bank.SoftPOS.

This application is a more advanced alternative to traditional POS-terminals and accepts contactless payments via smartphones. It is ideal for individual businessmen and small and medium-sized businesses.

The main advantages of JPAY are:

  • fast and convenient way to receive payments, without additional equipment;
  • possibility to send electronic cheques immediately after payment;
  • detailed report of the transaction;;
  • easy to cancel a payment operation if it's necessary;
  • support of Visa, MasterCard, as well as Apple Pay and Samsung Pay via mobile phones and other smart devices;
  • no service fees.

To use the app, you need a smartphone based on Android 6.0 (or higher) with NFC support and Internet access.

Jýsan Bank

Jýsan Bank ( ex Tsesnabank) is a retail bank that has worked on the financial market in Kazakhstan since 1992. Jýsan Bank has 116 offices in 22 regions of Kazakhstan today. The bank was ranked number one in the ROA (return on assets) according to the prestigious British magazine The Banker in July 2020. According to the results of 2019 "Jýsan Bank" became the top bank in terms of ROA not among the Asian and Oceania banks, but leading the worldwide list as well.

EMI Global Corp

EMI Global Corp is one of the leading software developers of innovative IT solutions for the banking and financial industries. EMI Global Corp’s portfolio includes more than 20 projects in more than 13 countries.