
Nationwide mPOS- project has been launched in the Republic of Belarus

JSC Bank processing center (BPC) in cooperation with JSC Belagroprombank have started installation and use of new mobile devices for processing bank cards-mPOS terminal in the trade and service points. On 30 December, the first payment was successfully completed with the help of mobile terminal in one of the sale points.

There were certain preconditions for the implementation of the project such as Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and National Bank of the Republic of Belarus concerning the required acceptance of bank cards as a means of payment on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Technological solution for the project was provided by "Center of corporate technologies" ( Due to this solution, the banks of Belarus have been able to offer their clients the mPOS-terminals. mPOS- terminal is a compact device for card processing and PIN input integrated with a Smartphone or tablet based on Android, it accepts transactions with VISA cards, MasterCard, Belcard. It costs much lower than the average POS-terminal. This device for the first time in the country was adapted for reading magnetic stripe cards and cards of the EMV standard with pin-input that provides high security operations.

The use of mobile terminal does not require special skills, all you have to do is swipe the magstripe through the reader or read the card’s chip, enter the payment amount on the Smartphone's screen and the customer's email address to send the receipt. The customer confirms the operation with the signature, which he puts on the screen of the Smartphone/tablet, or with a PIN-code.

About the companies:

JSC Belagroprombank - one of the largest banks in Belarus to implement an ISO 9001 Quality Management System. According to the authoritative international publication the Banker, Belagroprombank ranked 516th among Top 1000 World Banks as at the year-end 2014. Besides, Belagroprombank confirmed its 18 place among 25 largest banks in Central and Eastern Europe (Top 25: Central and Eastern Europe).

JSC Bank processing center was created in 2002 by the leading banks of Belarus for developing the processing services. Due to the skilled staff and advanced technologies, the company has become the undisputed leader in the industry, both in quantity and quality of provided services during this relatively short period.