
ROSGOSSTRAKH BANK launches service of mobile acquiring

The CCT Company and ROSGOSSTRAKH BANK signed a contract and began implementing a joint project on mobile acquiring. During project implementation, the mobile commerce platform M4bank.mPOS will be installed in the Bank. ROSGOSSTRAKH BANK plans to use this solution to provide mobile acquiring services to its corporate clients.

By now on the Russian and CIS markets, M4bank.mPOS system is the most widespread mPOS platform among banks to implement their own mobile acquiring in-house projects.


ROSGOSSTRAKH BANK (PJSC “RGS BANK”) is universal commercial bank, founded in 1994 (license No. 3073 dated April 16, 2015). It is ranked among Russia’s top 60 leading banks in terms of net assets and capital size and provides all types of banking services both to individuals of all income levels and corporate clients. The client base of the Bank comprises over 22 000 corporate clients and over 2 million individual clients.

About CCT

Center of Corporate Technologies is one of the leading software developers of innovative IT-solutions for banking and financial industries in Russia. Today CCT’s project portfolio includes more than 20 projects in 6 countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia and Georgia. The company’s clients are the leading Russian and foreign banks and companies. Starting from July 2014, CCT is the resident of Technopark Strogino, created with assistance of the Government of Moscow and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.