
Applications based on M4Bank.SoftPOS solution are gaining popularity in Kazakhstan

We have already told that Alfa-Bank, one of the leading banks in Kazakhstan, has launched an AlfaPay application developed on the basis of the M4Bank.SoftPOS solution from EMI Global Corp. This solution is gaining popularity in the market of electronic payments in Kazakhstan.

Halyk Bank (JSC "National Bank of Kazakhstan") announced a high demand for a similar application Halyk POS, launched less than a month ago.

Clients appreciated the main advantages of M4Bank.SoftPOS-based app:

  • a smartphone instead of a POS terminal without the use of additional equipment,
  • 24/7 contactless payment acceptance,
  • payment by any bank cards via smartphone,
  • detailed report on transactions,
  • compliance with payment acceptance legislation,
  • for clients of all banks.

As for consumers, they can safely, quickly and conveniently pay for their purchases with contactless cards, smartphones, smart watches, rings and bracelets.

Halyk Bank

It is a leading financial group and a leading retail bank in Kazakhstan with the largest client base and distribution network. The Bank provides services to its clients: banking services, brokerage services, insurance services, leasing services and asset management. The National Bank of Kazakhstan operates in Russia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The bank's securities are traded on the stock market in Kazakhstan (KASE, AIX) and in the UK (LSE).

EMI Global Corp

EMI Global Corp is one of the leading software developers of innovative IT solutions for the banking and financial industries. EMI Global Corp’s portfolio includes more than 20 projects in more than 13 countries.