
CCT was ranked in TOP Russian IT providers for banks 2015

Cnews Analytics summed up year 2015 in the rank of the leading IT russian providers for banks and insurance companies. According to the survey, the company CCT entered the top 50 companies-providers, with the best results in growth for the period of 2013/2014 (180% in total). The total revenue of all the participants of the rating has increased for almost 15 percent to 130.6 billion rubles to compare with 2013.

Experts note that 2015 became a remarkable year for the market of remote banking services: most banks have formed a clear strategy towards financial automatization processes. A survey of analytical agency Gartner, which involved 36 large and medium-sized Russian banks, showed that for the next couple of years local companies are going to increase the IT budgets, though there’s one correction: previously the financial sector was ready to experiment with projects that might not have any payback, now its demand focused on solutions capable to reduce operating costs and other expenses, improving customer service. This is why remote banking service are highly valued now, though the requirements to the developers are extremely high too, the project must have clear options and financial frames.

The survey for 2015 has lost 10 members from the previous year and replaced 20% of the whole group, which confirms considering the current business environment, IT provider should have a rich experience in implementing large scale projects not only in Russian but also abroad.


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