
Project of mobile acquiring has been launched in Yakutia

A large-scale project on implementation of mPOS technology has been launched in Yakutia; the initiator of the project is "Mobi-Cassa" (brand "QP"). According to Ayal Protopopov, head of "Mobi-Cassa", "QP" will cover all the regions of the Yakutia republic, including small towns, where there’s no equipment for card payments. All the villages are expected to be equipped with mPOS terminals by the first quarter of the year 2016. Technology platform for the project was presented by the service company PayMob, part of CCT group.

"As for today, mobile acquiring is the most convenient and affordable way to accept cards, it is the best alternative to classic POS. Small businesses in Russian cities are highly interested in mPOS due to the low cost of the terminal. Such project as QP can become a real salvation both for businessmen and for their clients", - said Andrei Balandin, commercial Director of CCT


"Mobi-Cassa" LLC provides unique solution for card payments with the help of smartphone. "Mobi-Cassa" LLC is the resident of "Technopark "Yakutia". Project of mobile acquiring is implemented with the support of JSC "Venture company "Yakutia" and State Committee of the Sakha Republic of innovation policy and science. Project in Yakutia was launched in partnership with the Asia-Pacific Bank.

"Mobile payment systems" LLC (brand PayMob) is a part of CCT group- one of the leading Russian developers of innovative IT-solutions for banking and financial sector. In 2014 the company got the status of resident of Technopark "Strogino". Paymob service meets the PCI DSS standard of secure payments.