
Credorax Bank launches acquiring on the basis of M4Bank.SoftPOS solution

Credorax Bank Limited (Malta), оne of the largest banks in Europe,  announced the launch of the basis of M4Bank.SoftPOS solution from EMI Global Corp. The bank's clients are representatives of European countries: England, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Norway, Estonia and this is not the full list.

At present the testing stage has already been completed, when all technical and organizational aspects were included, and the process of connecting the bank's clients is underway.

"We have been working closely with many foreign partners for a long time. But it is worth noting that it was mainly the countries of the near foreign countries and Asia. Integration with such a large European bank once again shows that we are on the right way in improving our solutions and adapting them to the requirements of different categories of clients. I can confidently say that now we will continue to work in this way with new strength," said Vladimir Lukyanovich, Head of Development, EMI Global Corp.

Credorax Bank Limited

Credorax Bank Limited was founded in Malta in 2007. It is headquartered today in Herzliya, Israel. It is a licensed merchant bank providing cross-border online payment processing and acquiring services worldwide. Since its launch, Credorax Bank Limited has developed as an online acquiring bank, acting as an intermediary between payment service providers and e-commerce merchants.

EMI Global Corp

EMI Global Corp is one of the leading software developers of innovative IT solutions for the banking and financial industries. EMI Global Corp’s portfolio includes more than 20 projects in more than 13 countries.