
DeloBank launches in-phone acquiring based on M4Bank.SoftPOS solution

DeloBank in collaboration with EMI Global Corp has presented the mobile app "Acquiring in Smartphone".

The app is based on the SoftPOS/TapOnPhone technology from EMI Global Corp, which allows you to turn your smartphone (Android OS with NFC module) into a mobile terminal and accept contactless cards from Mir, Mastercard and Visa of any bank, and pay with mobile payment services like Samsung Pay, Mir Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay.

"Acquiring in a smartphone" from DeloBank is the unique technological solution in Russia that allows transactions with the possibility of entering a PIN-code when paying. This makes it possible to make purchases without limiting the amount, with a high level of transaction security," said Alexander Yeltsev, head of the Department of Technological Development.

"The popularity of cashless and contactless payments in our country continues to grow. According to the NSPC, in the first quarter of 2021 the share of interbank transactions made by Russians using cards of various payment systems through mobile payment services was 28.6%. And the share of transactions using contactless cards reached 63.9% of the total number of interbank card payments. SoftPOS possibilities allow businesses to respond to clients' requirements and quickly provide acceptance of all modern cashless payment methods," says Maria Tochilova, head of the department of product development, digital and technological services of NSPC (the operator of the Mir payment system).

"We are proud to be the first in Russia in partnership with DeloBank to launch a fully functional SoftPOS solution with PIN code entry that allows to accept cards of all major payment systems. Our company specializes in the development and launch of innovative products. We believe that in the modern highly competitive world it is very important to be the first. We would like to thank the DeloBank team and partners from payment systems for their support", said Boris Fedorov, CEO of EMI Global Corp.


DeloBank is an innovative online bank for businessmen. Since February 2018, it works on the basis of SKB-Bank and is registered as its filial. The bank's shareholder is the leading Russian financial and industrial group Sinara. DeloBank serves more than 50,000 clients.

EMI Global Corp

EMI Global Corp is one of the leading software developers of innovative IT solutions for the banking and financial industries. EMI Global Corp’s portfolio includes more than 20 projects in more than 13 countries.